President Director Irjen Pol (Purn) Drs. FX. Bagus Ekodanto
Born in Blitar on October 25, 1951, Ekodanto spent many years serving the nation in the police sector, where he gained knowledge about security. Under his leadership, DPL has not only survived, but also thrived, providing services to clients in various industries, from mining, gas, property, and others.
Training & Workshop
Mabes Polri
Certificate Gada Utama
Stocholm (Swedia)
Manajemen Traffic Safety
Washington (USA)
Manajemen "Crisis"
Jakarta, Indonesia
Seminar Manajemen Resiko
Bogor, Indonesia
Workshop "Board and Excecutive Development Program for Insurance"
Bogor, Indonesia
Seminar "Pasar Asuransi Mikro Indonesia"
Jakarta, Indonesia
Workshop " Insurance & Infrastructure Project Development In Indonesia"